Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Yo ho, haul together
hoist the colours high
heave ho
theives and beggars
ne'er shall we die
My take on pirates 3.
i like how they captured pirates from Singapore as chinese.
yah, because everyone knows that we were once a fishing village terrorised by chinese pirates, what.
i like how they hired an actor (no disrespect to chow yun fatt) who can't even pronounce "singapore".
"Welcome to sing-ga-pore!"
i like how at one point, Captain Sao Feng was speaking in cantonese, and there were only chinese subtitles.
thanks, guys.
ok, so i lied.
despite all these, i say, go watch it, savvy? but ye be warned that i be truly biased.
there are maaannnyyy things i liked about the movie and those that i don't like are listed above. i've heard from some that it's good and from others (hardcore fans) that it's not.
maybe i went it without much expectation, and hence was pleasantly surprised.
Yo ho, haul together
hoist the colours high
heave ho
theives and beggars
ne'er say we die
oh, if you gonna watch it, stay for that extra bit after the credits!
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Friday, May 25, 2007
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Great Escape.
it was simply perfect.
the stars were bright and many.
the weather cleared up for us.
the fun never ceased (even when we weren't doing anything).
i only wished it lasted longer.
here are some photos. enjoy!

scarborough beach.

just some of rozzie's flowers.

busselton jetty.
it jutts out approx 2km into the sea. we walked all the way out and back. there was an underwater observatory at the end but it was hell expensive. $20! so we skipped that and treated ourselves to icecream after all that walking. hehe..
don't have that many photos actually. rozzie took more. i didn't even have to charge my camera for that whole week lah. and the battery's not even low now. that's how little i used my camera. i should be ashamed of myself. heh..
but anyways, here are the rest!
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Sunday, May 06, 2007
in light of spiderman 3..

Cyanide & Happiness @
.|. .|. 6:41 PM
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cyanide & Happiness @
.|. .|. 11:50 PM